This class was a complete roller coaster ride. There were times of huge stress with the almost daily assignments and the WODs. While, there were very fun moments like creating apps or websites. Overall this course was great. I also had to retake this course as I had a hard time with time management in my first run but I can say I’ve learned some very valuable lessons that I will keep throughout my life.
This project called Study Club is an an app that helps students with organizing their tutoring and also encourages the use of tutoring. It consists of pages like creating, editing, and rating tutor sessions, as well as an admin feature. It also holds the data for each user and can be seen in a “list” page.
This project has taught me two things. Do not give up on your team and communicate effectively. Even if your team isn’t what you hoped it would be, you still need to work with them at your absolute best. Note: My team was good but in the future I will try even harder than what I did this time around. Although the team is important, what’s more important is how we communicate. Communication is the most important as it significantly improves the productivity of the team as well as organization. Unfortunately, I did not communicate effectively in this team and I take full responsibility for the project not being finished. Also, there were times I wanted to say somethings to make our lives easier but I was too worried it would be taken the wrong way (like I’m dictating). But I’ve learned my lesson, I will not let this happen again and this project has taught me to communicate more efficiently. Lastly, this project was very fun and it would have been nice if I put in more time than I did.
Thank you vey much Dr. Johnson, Dr. Moore, Jiaying Feng, and QiQing Luo
Here is the project’s main page and everything there is to know about it: Study Club